I know that our industry is about selling. Whether it is higher price point
electronics or more reasonably priced value based products, the key to success is
moving imprinted inventory from the warehouse into homes and offices. That’s it, really there is nothing more to it. Or is there?
It sounds simple enough but with hurdles to selling abound, there are a few things that distributors can do to survive today’s brutal sales climate. The few things that I am talking about are all about getting back to the selling basics.
In these days of multi-tasking, mixed media and constant interruptions, what’s
been lost is having the time to focus solely on the task of selling. Sometimes all it takes is going back to work the old-fashioned way, (I can say that with another birthday having gone by.)
Start by turning off that little bouncing icon when an e-mail comes in, setting your phone to do-not-disturb, evaluating what is in your pipeline, start making calls and don’t allow yourself to get discouraged if the first few calls fail. Nothing will help more in closing the deal than these simple back to basics strategies. While e-mail is
great, or a quick message sent on facebook may work just fine once in a while, a
simple telephone conversation with your voice at the other end of the call will
go a long way to enhance client relations and encourage sales.
Today I came across a site dedicated to doing one thing and one thing only,
selling, www.justsell.com. This site is filled with valuable insights for the
sales professional. You will definitely find some good tips and tricks and be reminded
of some of the oldies but goodies that you haven’t tried in ages.